Hantás Flóra


Auguszt is an unmitigated family business, where each and every member of the family has interest in the success of the business and the profession. They undertake past, tradition, and century old greatness with a confusing simplicity.

Auguszt is one of those stories, where family business is not the source of stress, but is a treasure which they value and guard with an unwavering persistence. The family practices their profession with enormous energy, charm and perseverance, combining the respect for tradition and an uncontainable conquering spirit in a remarkable compound.

We would like to welcome you in one of our shops at four different locations of Budapest, to enjoy our traditional or modern cakes and sweets in beautiful surroundings!


  • Elek Auguszt applies for a confectionery-permit in Buda. He opens his small shop in the “Tabán”.

    attila utcai-uzlet 1800
  • His son, E. József Auguszt takes his confectioner degree at the Vikus Confectionery on Gizella square. Now he too is a confectioner!

  • E. József Auguszt wins a gold medal for his statue piece made of sugar at the National Millenarian Exhibition.

  • He’s getting married and takes over the confectionery from his widowed mother.

  • E. József Auguszt, master confectioner, rents out Civil Casino of Buda, across the Summer Theater of Buda.

  • The young ones open a new shop on Krisztina boulevard 3. E. József Auguszt and his wife manage an opulently furnished confectionery, which is mentioned as the Gerbaud of Buda.

  • They buy the latter Auguszt Pavilon to serve as a confectionery on Hidegkúti way.

  • Their son Elemér Auguszt is an apprentice at Hauer Confectionery. After his studies he is sent on field work abroad.

  • Elemér Auguszt, now as a confectioner, helps his parents running the shop which is disturbed by his draft-call.

  • During the war they operate with a reduced selection, because of the lack of ingridients.

  • A bomb hits the house on Krisztina square and the shop is destroyed completely during the siege.

  • József E. Auguszt E. rebuilds and opens the shop.

  • Elemér Auguszt arrives back home after 3 years of being prisoner of war, and takes over the shop from his father, who dies in the age of 73.

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  • The pastry shops will be confiscated by the state, and the family with three children has to leave Budapest. None of the shops operates from 1951 to 1956.

  • Elemér Auguszt and his wife opens the shop in Fény street.

  • József Auguszt studies and passes his exams at Vörösmarty patisserie.

  • Olga Auguszt studies locally, and successfully passes exam of patisserie

  • József Auguszt finishes High School of Catering and Commerce.

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  • József Auguszt takes the lead of the shop in Fény street.

  • Olga Auguszt opens a new shop in the downtown, in Kossuth Lajos street

  • Auguszt Pavilon Confectionery opens just across Farkasréti cemetery. Huge tea-garden, intimate interior, with the all familiar and delicious pastries.

  • The renewed Belvárosi Auguszt Confectionery opens with a beautiful interior design and now with a shop-front to the street.